Diablo 2 resurrected balance changes
Diablo 2 resurrected balance changes

diablo 2 resurrected balance changes

  • Fixed Terrorized treasure classes for certain super-unique monsters and bosses.
  • Fixed an underlying issue that caused the Druid's Shockwave skill to do an unintended amount of damage.ĭeveloper’s Note: We wanted to implement targeted changes and buffs for the Druid instead of having a particular Druid build be strong because of a bug.
  • Updated the tooltip for Enchant to better reflect the skill's effects.
  • Fixed an issue where Fire Mastery's bonus to fire skill damage didn't apply to the additional fire damage granted by Enchant on ranged weapons.
  • Cold Mastery is now applied at 1/5 effectiveness after an immunity is broken.ĭeveloper’s Note: We wanted to bring Cold Mastery in line with all other skill-based elemental resistance reducing effects for increased consistency.
  • diablo 2 resurrected balance changes

  • Fixed the tooltip for Multi Shot to reflect the synergy bonus.
  • Fixed issue where the +% Attack Rating on Power Strike was not being applied.
  • Fixed an issue where Strafe was still doing 75% weapon damage after a previous balance change.
  • diablo 2 resurrected balance changes

    Fixed an issue where Strafe was not applying bonus Attack Rating to attacks.Fixed an issue where missiles created from Martial Arts charge up skills would not gain the benefit of +% To Elemental Skill Damage modifiers.The Assassin's trap skills now benefit from -% to Enemy Resistance.This also fixes an issue where Paladin's Blessed Aim Aura would overwrite the Attack Rating increase granted by Amazon's Penetrate skill.Such as Flickering Flame's Resist Fire aura from a mercenary overwriting a Paladin's base Resist Fire from their own hard points in Resist Fire. Auras from another player or a mercenary no longer remove passive bonuses granted by the same skill.(Picture: Blizzard)Ĭheck them all out as per the official patch notes below, alongside developer notes on some of the changes. There are a host of changes and bug fixes in Diablo 2 Update 2.6 as per the official patch notes. There are a plethora of bug fixes, changes, and quality-of-life improvements in the Diablo 2 Resurrected update 2.6. With the exact release time and date for D2R Season 3 in hand, you can now mark your calendars and set your alarms, as the race to 99 is on! Diablo 2 Update 2.6 Patch Notes: Bug Fixes & Changes

    Diablo 2 resurrected balance changes